PRODUCTS - Fail Safe Safety Nets

Fail-Safe Safety Nets

Drillwell Oceanic provides fail-safe nets to assist our clients in minimizing the potential drop object scenario.

Our fail-safe nets are designed to install on fittings at height and will ensure safe capture of an item in an event of any primary and secondary barrier failure.

Fittings for installation:

  • Light fittings (flood light, strip light, navigation light, alarm and warning light)
  • Loudspeakers & horn
  • CCTV cameras

Our fail-safe nets are of Working Load Limit 42KG, manufacture to a safety factor of 7.

We will provide batch certificate for:

  1. Fail-safe nets – breaking test certificate
  2. Fail-safe nets – mill certificate
  3. fail-safe nets sling – breaking test certificate
  4. fail-safe nets sling – load test certificate witness and endorse by Singapore Professional Engineer
  5. Fail-safe net sling – mill certificate


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